Posts tagged ‘Olympics’

Why I’m Not Watching the Olympics Anymore

I’m tired. It’s been a long day. So I’m just giving you this link to my post on another site about Olympics fatigue.

Read it and see if you agree.

August 21, 2008 at 9:35 pm Leave a comment

I’ll Never be an Olympian

The Olympics start today. Actually, they’ve started already. (Just not on primetime, so not at all. If the Opening Ceremonies happen, and the networks don’t put it on TV, did they really occur?)

Something about seeing all those young people from all over the world — well, dorky as it sounds – it always gives me a thrill. It’s their skill, their talent, their promise. Olympic athlete. It’s like a synonym for there’s nothing you can’t do.

Of course I was never much of an athlete, so I never aspired to the Olympics, but these games have made me think about all of the promise I had, and all of the things I didn’t do.

So here’s a list: the failures, the flops, the missed opportunities: my life in a nutshell. Only this time, I’m going to find the silver lining in the muck of it all.

1. I’ve been trying to lose the same 10 pounds for the past 20 years.

Silver Lining version (SLV): I haven’t gained any weight for the past 20 years! It may not all be where it once was (didn’t my butt used to start up HERE?) but there’s not any more of it, either.

2. I’ve been saying I’m going to write forever. Book? Where’s the book?

(SLV) I have a blog! I write for another blog!! I’ve been in two anthologies (click and buy, click and buy!) A literary agent wants to see my book. Oh wait, book? where’s the book?

3. I always thought I could do something with my singing.

(SLV) I sing for my kids every night. Good enough for me.

4. I thought I’d be in show biz. See any shows? Do I have any biz?

(SLV) I did write for TV for eighteen years. The armpit of TV, but TV nonetheless. I’ll count that.

5. I never did work out super hard and get into great shape.

(SLV) I never injured myself over-exercising.

6. There’s that Koulibiac of Salmon I never made. That sewing machine I never learned how to lose. The young adult novel that’s been half-finished in my drawer for 15 years.

SLV: There’s still time for it all.

yes, it’s me, being hopeful. So maybe I won’t be an Olympian — I can still have the promise — and keep the promise, too: I will do some of these things. Maybe even the ten pounds.

August 8, 2008 at 2:52 pm Leave a comment

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